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Thursday, April 7, 2011

little by little

I now only have 9 days until the big day. I've been working hard on the sorting of things through our house as we are preparing to move. I've also slowly been trying to digest all of my reading material for my exam. I absolutely cannot wait until this test is done, over with, and out of the picture. I have never been so frustrated over a silly test...

Today when I left Skyar at preschool, one of her friends mother's and I were talking about the move. She told me that when she had explained to her daughter that Skylar would be moving, she burst into non-stop tears. It breaks my heart to see the great friends Skylar will be leaving here; I can only hope and pray that she will meet some lasting friends in our new town.

Children are like small adults to me. They still have feelings and emotions just as we do; they still attach themselves to others as we do; and they love as we do as well. I love watching my daughter as she has grown so much in the school she is in. I feel like everyday she grows and learns so much more. She shows so much affection to the individuals she loves, and it makes me proud to see the happiness she gives out to everyone.

All of this makes me so nervous to leave our comfort zone in this town. It's going to be such a huge change. Hopefully by taking small steps, little by little, we will grow to love our new home and friends just as we did here.

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